¬ DVR Setup and Training Videos

Short videos demonstrating the installation, operation and setup of the DVR2000E+, may be viewed by following the links below.  Each video is about 5 minutes in length.

1) Overview 

2) Front Panel (HMI) Setup

3) Software (GUI) Setup


¬ DVR Communications Software Download

The latest versions of the DVR Communications software are now available for installation on your computer or laptop.

The DVR2400/2500 and DVR2000E+ / EC+ use different versions of the DVRPortal software - you must select the appropriate link below.


To begin downloading the software, click on the product name below that matches your regulator.


1.  DVR2000E+/EC+

2.  DVR2400/2500

Your version of software is displayed in the title bar when the software is running. The latest version of Marathon Electric DVR Portal for DVR2000E+/EC+ is 1.6.3 and 2.1.1 for DVR2400/2500. It is Highly Recommended that you have the most current version the DVR Portal software installed to have access to all of the functionality in the DVR regulators. The DVR2000E+ / EC+ Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual may be downloaded here and DVR2400/2500 can be downloaded here.


If you have any questions regarding the DVR2000E+ / EC+ or DVR2400/2500, please contact us.


Software for obsolete voltage regulator DVR2000E can be downloaded here.